Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wednesday in London

Today, I woke up around 9am at my third day in the Radnor Hotel, my luxury hotel in Bayswater neighborhood of London. I immediately went down and paid my 40 pounds to hold my room for a third night. Its the life of luxury that I am living here. OK, well not really.

So the elections are over. I haven't posted in a few days cause all I have really done on my computer is work work work. All the election projects went as planned though, so I still have a job. :)

So today was my first free day in a while and I decided to explore a bit. I got cleaned up and decided to walk to a couple of museums that weren't too far. Also, a large park was right in between where I wanted to go so that worked out well.

I started towards Hyde Park (left) and found it to be, just OK. Being a big fan of city parks, I would rank it actually pretty low in comparison to city parks in Portland or NYC.

One thing to note about today, the weather was grey and coldest it has been since I have gotten here. Funny though, it hasnt rained a drop since I got here. The trees are turning very comparably to how it was in Indiana. But, the sun usually has been shinning in the mornings.

So once through the park, I found the Natural History Museum in London. The building was very impressive. Lots of dinosaur bones but I must admit, natural history is not my favorite subject.

I much prefer art and history museums. Just so happens a really great one was right next door. The Victoria and Albert Museum. I could spend a couple days at this place and hope to make it back before I go stateside.

I have always been a fan of historical paintings and sculpture, but it seems in the past few years I highly enjoy it over other options. I have always enjoyed history and to walk into a museum and view up close a piece of artwork that some artist passionately created is quiet amazing to me. To look at something and absorb it, links you directly with the person who created it hundreds of years ago. Such a different world in which it was created.. and such a different world it will see long after I am gone. It really inspires me to view such work.

After a few hours I decided to strike it back towards 'home'. Yep, the one and only Radnor Hotel... which is quiet a museum in its own right. :) I had to get back afterall. I was going to meet my new friend Renee for a drink and then we were going to see one of my favorite bands, The Shins!

On my way home I stopped and got a London classic, I ate at a Pret. Which charges less if you 'Take Away' the food and not eat in. It was OK. Not sure it was worth $12 US.

Which this reminds me, London has some weird sayings. Most of which are just very literal. Here is my list so far:
"Mind the Gap" - Easily the most famous. If you have been in London you know what this means.
"Take Away" - Americans prefer 'Take out" or "to go" when they order food or drink and take it away.
"Way Out" - Americans use exit.
"Lift" - Americans use elevator.
"Toilet" - Americans use bathroom.

So, I got cleaned up at the Radnor and jumped back on the Underground to the Hammersmith Station and met Renee, who is a friend of a friends. She is very nice and we were both excited to see the Shins. We had to negotiate outside with scalper cause it turns out the show was sold out (something I was worried about). Ended up paying 25 pounds per ticket (6 more pounds then sticker price). I was happy with paying that as opposed to not going.

The venue was nice and the Shins were amazing of course. I am pretty sure I recognized the venue from the movie "9 Songs"... which I have watched about 800 times (just kidding, its got too much sex in it for me!) :)

After the show Renee and I caught the Underground to Piccadilly and found a nice pub where we had one beer before the bar closed at the regular time that most bars close in London... 11 pm!!!!!!!!!!! insane city.

So it was a good day. I enjoy getting out and exploring. Much better then working! :)

Since I have not found long term lodgings, I am pretty sure I am going to head to Spain or Amsterdam this weekend. I am on vacation all next week so I will probably be away from London all of next week. Still not sure where too but hey thats part of the fun.

Renee said i could ditch my excess baggage (did I mention I over packed?) at her place when I go. Also, she gave me a pay-as-you-go phone. Very nice of her!

But, I am getting tired. If there are not MANY photos with this post it is because I am still planning on posting.

till then!

1 comment:

Eddies Shoppe Vintage + Collectibles said...

is this the nudity you speak of? silly boy, i spent 6 years (yikes — did i just admit that?) in art school, for heavens sake!

if it's not — guess i've got more reading to do...