Sunday, November 4, 2007

To find a home?

Well, I am going into my third night and I still have not yet found a place to live. Though I must admit I probably should have spent Saturday hunting instead of drinking with the South Africans. :)

But, I did actually just go look at a place in North London near Belsize Park. From what I saw, it was very charming. More residential with a really cool strip right near it. I only met one person I would be living with but he seemed very laid back and cool. The other roommate would be an Australian girl who was not there at the time. Its 200 pounds a week which translates into about $1700 a month which is about what I was thinking I would have to pay. He said he had another guy coming to look at the place after me and he will email me if i get the room at any moment... or possibly in the morning. I REALLY hope I get it. I liked the apartment, the guy seemed nice enough, the room was huge and private and the area seemed really cool. And I could move in tomorrow which would mean my homeless days are over and that sounds EXCELLENT. So, keep your fingers crossed for me.

Other then that, today has been tough. Though I did crash in last night pretty early, I did consume a lot of beer yesterday. I woke up around 2am with a hangover and could not sleep again. Took till bout 3:30 before i slept.... and it wasnt a good sleep. Woke up this morning not feeling the best and packed and left the hotel. Found another hotel out of the expensive downtown area that was only about $67 for the night. Its a junker place but good enough for the night. I am hoping I only need to spend one night there.

Once packed, i hit the Underground subway system. I bought my Oyster card (that easily allows you to use the train) and headed north towards my new hotel. It was a major pain with all my heavy bags and the busy trains. I think i had to take 4 different trains. I overheated and thought about throwing up right htere on the train. (i didnt though :)

By the time I got to the new hotel I was dead beat. But i managed to find another Starbcks to get online.... which I am pretty sure I am actually paying a hefty fee to use (even though i thought it was included with my $19 per month hotspot with tmobile.) Another reason i hope to get that apartment.

I managed to get up to view the apartment tonight pretty good. I guess after this mornings trek with my bags, i got the hang of it. Only thing is, you look at the map and figure your route, then you start on it only to find that one of the trains halfway is closed for the day! :( Happened to me twice today. One time i waited for the train 25 minutes before figuring it out. (im a slow lost american here afterall).

Also, having trouble with payphones. Who would think. I swear the one i used was broken. If it wasnt for some friendly stranger who gave me his cell to use. Very nice.

Missing a good concert tonight. Peter Bjorn and John are playing up north. I was very close to it on my train to view the apartment. But I decided against it for several reasons. Wasnt sure if i would get stuck up there cause the trains might stop going after it gets late enough. Also i have work to do tonight. And the Colts play the Patriots!

Course, right now i have no idea where this game will be on. I havent seen any interest in NFL football here at all.

Also, I swear I can not figure out which way to look while walking on the streets.. I look both ways jsut in case, but for some reason i struggle with this.

As for food, i had some great Indian food last night. This morning i got a blandly decent little breakfast at a nice little shop (above). Tonight I went to the local grocery and bought some pasta and a sandwich for just over 3 pounds (over $6 US).

Slowly but surely i am figuring things out.

Now if I could just find a place showing NFL games. GO COLTS@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(if they can somehow manage a win, that would just be wonderful) . :)

I think I am probably the biggest Indianapolis Colts fan in Europe!

ok, i am off to find the game.

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