Monday, November 19, 2007

Tony Blair is my neighbor!

I wanted to post some images of my neighborhood and hotel so you would have an idea of where I am living. The image above is the entryway into my hotel.

I walk up 2 flights of stairs before I face my last, most challenging flight of stairs. Here (to the left) is an image looking down this last stairway.

As you can see, wouldn't want to walk up or more importantly down these stairs while I am pissed (drunk).

Its common to see hallways that are thin and stairwells that are thin and steep here in London. They would never pass fire inspection in the states. Possibly they don't here in London either.

They sure get me in shape going up though!

Once you get to my room, its a small single bed with about a foot around in 3 directions. I do have a tv and TWO electrical outlets. The view is really charming (seen below).

So thats the view from my room. It was raining when I took this. The weather has gone grey and wet.

So, I have been exploring my neighborhood more lately as well and noticed that behind my hotel (basically right below where the photo above shows) there are always two armed police officers standing in two areas near a building. When i say armed, i mean with machine guns. Cool looking machine guns.

I was surprised by this and have walked past them a half dozen times already.

Well today I found out why. It is where Tony Blair lives. Literally 40 yards from the Redland House Hotel. Pretty cool. Possibly I will stop by and say hi.

On that note, I have finally met a brit. first. A real nice guy that also lives in the Redland House Hotel. Funny that I havent met any others yet. He is the one that told me about Tony Blair. He also told me there is a very affordable poker room about 2 blocks from here. Think I will explore that tonight. Pay for my whole trip! :)

Below are more images of my area:

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