Friday, November 16, 2007

2 weeks in London - A new room!

Today I mark my second full week here in London. Funny though, it really doesn't seem like its been more then a week though... Possibly that 5 days in bed with the flu thing has something to do with it! :)

Well its Friday and that means I am half way through my stay here at the Redland House Hotel. Which also means I am switching rooms today. All they had for the first week was a double bed which was a bit more expensive. Today I moved to the single room and let me tell you, I was happy to be leaving that room.

The new room is on the third floor, which the last set of stairs are like built into a wall and its more of a wall climb then stairs. But, the room is actually quiet charming and has a good view (seriously) and is bright! One problem, the wireless internet is sketchy! Sometimes I have a connection, sometimes I dont. :(

So I won't be online as much this week as last week.

As for my illness, well I am definitely making a recover, but it is VERY slow. Yesterday was my best day all week but I still had some minor fever spells that were shorter, less severe then those earlier in the week. Today, I have not taken any drugs and I definitely have a headache, but I don't think I am feverish. My body has been affected, climbing up the stairs almost makes me pass out. I would say I am about 40%... at best. But thats a step in the right direction. Still no plans to hit the town or sight see just yet. I am in bed mostly today for the 5th day in a row!

I must admit though, I have found a new restaurant that I absolutely get a thrill from. See, I was having troubles finding good food that was not too expensive that I could eat while sick. Keeping in mind that my senses were all messed up and I really did not have much of an appetite. Even those smoke shops nearby smelled nausiating to me (they still do now). I tried curry's (which are great and spicy but not good for stomach flu) I tried sandwiches at the grocery (which were ok but after I got sick the thought of the made me want to throw up). I even got a steak and fries one night (though don't expect a London restaurant to supply ridiculous things like silverware or a bag when you want to 'take away' your food). I finally found what has made me happy during my illness. An exotic restaurant called Subway. :)

So my plan for today, take it easy, try to get some work done, watch some 'flight of the Conchords' on my computer and thats that.

Things I need to buy:
Disinfectant hand lotion

Strange London tidbit:
I noticed this the other day (well actually last week) while taking the underground. In the US we drive on the right side of the road. Here they drive on the left. This method of movement and right away transfers to foot traffic as well. A couple times now I have walked towards people and I go to the right and they go to the left and we almost bump into each other. Long hallways for the Underground that are split down the middle with rails for two way traffic.. yep, you go on the left side.

Thats the latest news from the Indianapolis Star London Bureau. Good day and good night.

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