Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday #2 in London

Today is my 2nd and probably my last Saturday in London.

First off with the good news:
I got my laundry done today!@ Yay!!! I wont even go into detail about how desperate that was getting. :) The facilities are pretty close and to wash a load is only 3 pounds ($6+ bucks ouch).

I woke up for the 6th day feeling pretty bad. Yesterday I was showing signs of improvement and was pretty sure I would wake up feeling good. Not the case. Today was the first day I allowed my being sick to upset me mentally. Very frustrating. If this continues for any more duration I will need to see a doctor and possibly cancel the rest of my trip.

I am meeting Renee and some friends south of the River for a birthday gathering at a pub. Only for a couple hours and NO alcohol for me. Luckily the bars are smokeless too. So I think I should be up for it. It will be the first time out since last Sunday evening!

Assuming I get healthy soon, I plan to leave London Friday. I could go to Ireland with Renee or head into continental Europe on my own. I am unsure what I will do at this point but need to start planning this asap.

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