Monday, November 5, 2007

Homeless still :(

Well so far my luck in finding a place is not going well.
I did not get the nice place I looked at last night. I saw a decent tiny and rather dreary place that was very affordable and would have been good for a week but there was no internet connection. So I am still working from Starbucks and still looking aggressively for a place.
If my luck continues, I will probably be leaving London for another city this weekend. Possibly Amsterdam or Madrid.
I am working the election in Indianapolis all day tomorrow so if I have to, I will be getting an expensive hotel just for the night.
Odd thing, I am willing to pay a lot for the right place to live. I just cant seem to find many options out there... and apparently there are others willing to do the same so I have competition.
I do have two places I am viewing tonight. Problem is, finding them can take over an hour for each since I am new and rather lost. Hopefully one of them will turn out.
Still no photos, haven't had anytime to do anything but work some, and hunt every second for a place to live.
Time to go eat some lunch.
Livin the life@! :)

1 comment:

wildcardmedia said...

Keep your chin up! I think it is so totally cool what you are doing.