Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day 2

So, I am in my 2nd day of my trip.
I awoke this morning rather stressed actually. For many reasons I guess. Partly because of my lack of succes in finding a place to live. I got up and started walking the charming streets of the West End of London and found a nice little spot to get some breakfast (image at left). I got a panini grilled cheese sandwich with a nice capaccino. It was delicious. Course, it cost about 7 pounds (over $14 us) but it was tasty. Went through Trafalgar Square too. Also I met a real nice chap named PJ who was sitting next to me. He is a south African who lives and works in Boston. He ad just flew in this morning and was only here for a couple days on business. We started chatting about London and traveling and turns out he is a really nice guy.
Finally PJ had decided that it was almost 11am and that he couldn't drink coffee after 11 and so the only option was beer. So we headed over to the nearest pub. It was at that point that I wrote this on my computer:

having a beer in a pub right now with PJ. His brother is soon to join us. I had no intentions of getting drunk this early in the day but conditions just led me here. PJ was intent on getting a beer at 11am (but not a second before). He said he only drinks coffee and beer so his choices are limited. Anyhow, I like this place. Its right on Covent Garden. Not sure the name but it reeks of old London pubs. Varied types of people, amazing how many people are here getting a buzz on at 1pm. I like the crowd though. PJ has travelled all over and offers advice on locations to travel too. Amsterdam then Brussels on the train, and then Paris... his advice.

PJ was a lot of fun to chat with and is officially friend #2 on the trip. He gave me several travelling tips, which include spending LOTS of time in Amsterdam, advice on what to take where and types of technology that I will find handy, which includes which will allow you to call the US from Europe on your computer for about 2 cents per minute. Im sold... (i bought a calling card yesterday that will allow me to call for about 8 cents per minute plus fees). PJ's brother is also keeping an eye out for me for any rooms he might know that comes available to short rent.

It was a joy to meet PJ and his brother and the experience helped remove me from my stress filled morning... course, it also kept me from attaining my goal of finding a place to stay. As of about 12 hours, I am homeless. But, I can not let this fact stress me out. I am in Europe. I have money.. worse case scenario, I will spend a bit of extra cash.

Also, talking with PJ made me second guess my ideas of staying in London full time. He highly recommended other cities that were much less expensive.

I am starting to take photos now as well, so expect more images with my posts. It can be hard to get the photos in at the same time that I type, so i might update older posts with images.

Here is one I took today on my walk through Trafalgar Square and another below it near Picadilly Circus (which PJ was nice enough to tell me that the term dilly used to mean hooker and so gents used to go to this area to 'pick a dilly'):

The Shins play in London Wednesday. I am VERY excited about this and started listening to them in my room before i left just now. I can no wait. Also, 'cold war kids' are playing next weekend. I was starting to think that I would head to Amsterdam this next weekend, but I REALLY want to see them. Possibly i can see if they have a show in Amsterdam next week.

Either way, i am going to see the Shins Wednesday!!! :)

Currently, I am writing in Starbucks again. I try to get my drinks and food at other places, but my internet connection comes with starbucks, so here i am.

After this, i plan to head out, drop off my computer at my room and hit up a nice Thai restaurant for dinner, then drinks at a local pub (not sure which one).

Should be fun. Tomorrow, I find a place to stay... or i stay at the same place another night... who knows. Eitherway I am much more confident about my trip right now then i was this morning.

Oh, btw, I got my cell to work yesterday after a couple hours of hell trying to do just that. Also got my computer working i Starbucks (obviously at this point). So I am not completely cut off. I can text msg people for about $.30 each. I can call for about $1 per minute.

Last night, i worked on election projects till starbucks closed at 8pm (right, 8pm? what is that about?) and then went to the room, got cleaned up, went to the bar in my hotel and had a Guinness... or two...went to my room and crashed... good sleep.

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