Thursday, November 1, 2007

T-minus 8 hours

Today is Nov. 1st. My flight takes off in 8 hours (its currently 9am, flight leaves at 5pm).

Had a little trouble with my flight that could end up making my life rough on the 9 hour flight. Basically, because my name is such a common one, I am on a flying 'watch-list' and almost every time I fly they have to do extra security measures. It actually made me miss a flight once cause the extra time it took for them to check me out made me miss the flight. So, British Airways allows it's travellers to check in and pick their seat 24 hours before the flight takes off. I was definitely NOT wanting to sit between two people for 9 hours and was planning on picking my seat asap. So, when the 24 hour marked passed I logged in and went to pick my seat. DENIED! I called their 800 number and was told it was due to me being marked as 'extra security measures' and that I will not be able to check in until I get to the airport. :(

So today I plan to get to the airport 4 hours before my flight in hopes of getting a nice window or isle seat.

The other bad news. British Airways Boeing 777 does not have electrical hookups for laptops! Insane! Well, thats not completely true. If you sit in the expensive seats they do but even that hookup requires an electrical adapter to work. So I have 3 hours max of my laptop time when I was planning on working much of the flight. Just out of curiosity I asked how much it would cost to upgrade to the next better class to have an electrical hookup. $4280.

Luckily the flight does have tv screens in front of each seat (even my cheap one!) and apparently you can pick and watch movies and even a game console. So I will have something to do. I will definitely take pictures and post my flying experience.

Yesterday was Halloween. I had such big plans for it earlier this year but it got lost in the mix. A couple of years ago I had decided that I did not want to waste seasons and holidays anymore. I can't tell you how many times I have just let a Halloween go by and I did nothing. I mean usually I will go to a party or something but I never take it too serious, carve a pumpkin or spend any time with making a costume. So I decided that I should start taking that stuff serious. Enjoy the holidays and make the most of the seasons. Missing out on this Halloween is acceptable considering the circumstances, but next year damnit, I am going ALL OUT! (you can hold me to that)...

Well, I have much to do and I am sitting here typing in a blog that nobody will probably read! :) I still have much packing and organizing to do. I am very excited, a bit nervious, but mostly just ready to get there. I need this... and am very ready for it.

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