Friday, November 23, 2007


We landed in Dublin a couple hours ago. Had a bit of difficulty finding out how to make local calls and even then, most of the lodging places in my travel book were just not answering their phones.

We spent probably an hour at Starbucks in the airport just getting situated. When we finally went downstairs to the tourist booth, we got set up for a room and the bus to downtown Dublin.

I am happy to be out of London. I really enjoyed it there but was ready for some new sights. Also, Ireland is on the Euro and the exchange rate between USD and Euro is much better then the British pound. So, my standard of living has gone up just like that!

When we finally found our room that we booked at the tourist center it is very nice. By far the nicest place i have stayed at on my journey so far. And they have decent wireless. The room even has 3 beds so I told Renee we should go find some weary traveler who is on their own and let them buy 1/3rd of our room. Probably wont end up doing that.

We wanted to hit up the Guinness brew tour but it stops at 4pm and that would leave us an hour to get there and rush a quick tour in. My book says it isnt that exciting and is overpriced, but you get the best free Guinness at the end of the tour.

I am starving and havent really eaten anything all day. Flight was uneventful.

I put on a warmer sweater cause it is COLD... sunny, but cold. The location is great and me and Renee are ready to get some beer and food in our bellys and explore. I will bring my camera so should get pictures up soon. (and I still have London photos I need to get online cause my internet connection was flaky yesterday).

Had a great Thankgiving dinner last night with fellow Americans. It was tasty!

Ok, off to tour Dublin. Tomorrow we take the train out of the city west to Gallway, Ireland for two nights.

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