Saturday, November 3, 2007

London ho!

(Written Nov 2., posted Nov. 3rd)

Wow, what can I say. I am in London!
Its been a long wait. I have to say, I love it already. The city is absolutely charming. At least what I have seen of it.
My flight went as expected. I sat next to a guy from Austin named Jesus who is here in London only for the night. Tomorrow he flies into Iraq to work for a year on helicopters as an independent contractor. He said it is relatively safe but about every day morter attacks make him dash for shelters.
I think we are going to meet up later today/tonight for a beer. Though he is very keen on hitting the strip clubs of London tonight. I would rather spend my money in a pub. Eitherway, he is my first friend on my trip.
Once the plane landed at 7:05am me and Jesus took the Gatwick Express to Victoria Station downtown and then we split ways. He took a taxi and I decided to take the cheaper more adventurous route and take the Underground. It wasn't so bad. I think I got the basics. Though, Victoria Station is so busy early in the morning that they literally pack people into those trains like sardines. I mean literally people pressed up against the windows tight.
After the Underground exit, I had to hike it a few blocks to find the hotel. This was not so easy as I am having a very hard time keeping my bearings. I got on the right track finally and at this moment realized that I was hiking through downtown London and that it was REALLY cool.
Its amazing how London is set up. It is so old that the street system here really does not make much sense. They curve and twist and meet in all types of layouts. The numbering system is unpredictable, streets change their names with no apparent reason, etc. I went off on a little hike through a wonderful little neighborhood and when I finally decided to turn around and head back, I was positive I knew where to go. Turns out I was 100 percent wrong. Its very hard to keep my bearings here.
Also, crossing the streets for me is a bit intimidating. I keep forgetting which side of he street they drive on and then start second guessing myself when I cross a street. I keep worrying I will get caput!
Right now, I am the typical tourist I imagine. I am excited about the little things such as buying things with the pound. Neat! And those red phone booths. Wow... All the cars on the wrong side of the road and their steering wheel is in the wrong spot... crazy! The double decker busses and the funny accents. Now if I can just figure out how the phones work! :)
So, now that I am in my room I have found bits of bad news. First off, my phone does not work here at all. No connection! Upsetting as T-mobile told me it would. (Not the first lie they have told me over the phone). Second, my hotspots account with Tmobile does not work here (starbucks) and lastly the internet for my hotel (which should be included according to costs nearly $50 US per night!)
Luckily, there is a little internet cafe right down the road for about $2/hour.
Now, my goals for the day are get online, get some work done and send out emails trying to find a place to live for the next 7 weeks!
Eventually, I will need to get a phone (later today or tomorrow). And I will need to get Tmobile hotspots in UK so I can work at Starbucks (and there are lots of em here).
As for my hotel. My floor is like a maze. I am in room 787 and the room numbers that say 'Rooms 770-780 ->' that help you find your room, well they dont point to my numbers. So it was like guessing which direction to go. Of course, I picked the worst route to find my room. Also, not sure how this place passes fire codes cause the hallways are very thin and there are all these little push doors blocking them. I was not happy lugging my heavy luggage through these halls. The room itself is small but comfy. Plenty good for me.
I have showered and am typing this in the room. I will be off soon to the internet cafe.
ok thats it... good times and now priority#1, find a place to live!!!!

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