Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Eiffel Tower

I slept in late today on accident. I woke up around 11am! But I found a beautiful sunny Paris day awaited my arrival so I quickly got up and showered (in my room) and dashed out to hit the city.

Taking the advice of my Australian friend I met on the flight here, I walked everywhere. Turns out, it was sunny, but it was chilly so I wore my thick Banana Republic sweater with the massive neck on it (it also looks european i think). My body kept warm, but my hands got cold quick.

Anyhow, I decided not to carry my Europe guidebook with me because it is so big. So I left without a map. I knew I was in the northernly eastern part of the city center. Also, at almost every Metro (the rail line) stop, there is a handy dandy map.

I found Paris streets to be even more confusing then London streets. They spider off in all directions. You go down one street and it spiders off in all types of directions. Each of these branches can contain marvelous markets and shops.

I started to really see the beauty of Paris... which to me, is in the details. Sure, most of Europe has cobblestone streets, but do they make designs in the cobblestones? Paris does! Sure London and even the US has food stands and markets, but do these markets create works of art with their fruit? Paris does. It just seems the French go that extra step to make things just look nicer.

This can certainly be seen in the architecture and the random beautiful statues found on random small branched off streets. Or the way a gate is painted in front of a flat. Its all in the details.

Along the way, I did manage to find the:
MOST EXPENSIVE BEER IN THE WORLD! This was very exciting for me. Little did I know when I entered a small pub that I had found the one and only 'most expensive beer in the world'. I ordered the French's own 1664 beer and was quite shocked when the waiter asked for over 8 Euros. Thats over $12 US dollars, FOR ONE BEER! My first reaction was I figured they were pulling one over on the stupid American. I didn't even tip! But when I got outside, it was right there on the menu: 1664 8.20 Euros. I don't think I would advertise those prices. Considering I have paid that much for a cheap meal AND beer here in Paris at other spots.

A bit later I found a nice cosey little spot where I braved another beer, a smaller one I must admit, but it was only 2.10 Euros. I was so happy I got two! And I tipped!

Which reminds me. You don't tip in the UK. At first I had a hard time dealing with this and I would still tip. Then I progressed to not tipping but feeling like a jerk. And finally I wouldn't tip at all and had no problems with it. This was me acclimating to life in London.

Now that I am in France, I am again unsure what to do. So I tip.

So, after 3 beers and zig-zagging back and forth in the general direction of the Eiffel Tower, I pass from behind a building to get my first view of this metal monstrosity. Or, so I thought. Once I actually saw it, I was surprised how pretty it looked. And the closer I got, the more I was mesmerized by it.

When I finally got to it, I was freezing but hastily paid my 3 Euros to climb the steps to the top. I could have paid 9 Euros to take the elevator, but not me. Im tough!

I started up the steps and after about 5 minutes, I was hurting. But, like all famous climbers and mountaineers, I kept going. I got to the first lower platform, took in the view and started heading up again. At the 2nd platform is where I felt like I had one pulled over on me. Turns out that I hadn't paid to go all the way to the top, just to the 2nd platform. Possibly this was explained somewhere in French, but I was not the only one confused. So I paid another 4 Euros to take the elevator to the very very top (no stairs option at this point).

When I got to the very top, wow, what a view. Also, it was windy and freezing up there. I stuck around as long as I could, shot lots of photos and video and headed down.

On my way down, it started to get dark and the lights on the tower made the whole thing look beautiful. I was really shocked how pretty it was.

On my long walk home, it was strange how I kept running into the same alleys and branches that I had on my way back. I even stopped for a third beer from my earlier spot.

Once back at the Hotel de Nevers I was ready for bed, but ran into a nice Australian (another one) named Dave. He is also staying in this fancy hotel. We chatted for a bit and decided to get some drinks. So, I got my second wind and we headed out to a bar he had seen that he described as 'mellow and cool'. When we finally get there, it was packed and crazy. Both of us were under dressed. But we made the best of it and had a good time. We even met some english speaking women (one american, one irish, one brit and one Aussie). It was a fun time. I was happy to meet Dave, but unfortunately he flies out tomorrow. He said that has been happening to him the whole time on his 2 month travels in Europe. He had just come from Italy. He was staying in a small town in a hotel with only two other people, a homeless man and an italian. Neither of which were very friendly. On his way out, he said a bunch of pretty english speaking girls checked in. I had to laugh at that one.

So I am back here now and it is almost 3am so I need to go to bed.

Tomorrow, The Louve!

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