Sunday, October 28, 2007

Go West young man!

Well, I am a day behind schedule but thats par the course.
It is Sunday, Oct. 28th at 10am and I am fully packed and ready to leave the house for Texas. I wanted to leave yesterday but was feeling under the weather and was behind on my packing anyhow. Ultimately, I really do not have to be anywhere until Thursday when my flight heads to London. I think I should make it to that in time. :)

So, I have most of my favorite belongings packed in the truck and kutya is very anxious to get going. Seriously, the guy can not sit still. He knows something is up.

It is a nice sunny day and the air is dry and cool. Feels really great. I woke up at 5 am this morning and started packing. Also, had to run to Menards at 8am to make a key and get a little screw driver thingy to take apart my most valued piece of furniture, my desk. It is now nicely packed.

I sure hope I am not forgetting anything. I feel like I am but what can ya do? Also, its funny cause I keep feeling like I am leaving here forever and I keep saying goodbye to the house and the memories I had here. I have to keep reminding myself that I will be back here in March at the latest (possibly even January). But nonetheless, my excitement to finally be hitting the road (something I have been counting down for months) is somewhat tempered by a sadness of the things I leave behind.

Also, while I was packing my truck, I had to ask myself how many more moves like this I have in me? How many more opportunities will I have to make a move like this? And though it can be a bit stressful, its times like these - when I am making a big move - that I often desire and wish for while I am settled. Overall, besides my pondering the past this morning, I am happy.

Time to hit the road!

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