Monday, December 1, 2008

Terrible sunburn and bad news from home

So last night my sun burn continued to get worse by the minute.
By the time I got comfy back at my place i had some legit concerns that I had a severe burn. It was painful.
I have applied aloe probably 20 times over the night and today it is feeling better.
Strange, it hasn't been really sunny here yet on my whole trip. Always overcast but nice. I have been in the sun all day many days and only got minor sun. Yesterday, though it had short moments of sun, I got FRIED.
I thought I would be ok.
Anyhow its not severe but i might have some blisters on my back in a day or two but none yet. I have SPF50 lotion and plan to use it ALOT.
Today, as luck would have it, is the first VERY sunny day of my trip. :)
I got up and got some breakfast and checked the internet to find out 3 bad things going on back home in Portland. Kutya has worms (Kates dog has them too). Not too big of a deal. Someone hit my parked truck and left a note. SUCKS! And we have been evicted from our apartment!!! REALLY REALLY REALLY SUCKS
There is a chance they will want us out by dec 15th. I will still be here in Thailand!
Apparently there is a new tenant in an apartment next to us. He complained about kutya barking. Management called Kate's number and left a message. Story here is we are just subleasing from the current tenant Mide. Technically he is not supposed to sublease. Mide had changed the contact number to Kate's phone and it would appear he never paid the dog deposits. The eviction notice mentions unapproved dogs or something like that, even though we paid $500 to Mide to have them there. Realistically we will probably have to move out 1-1-09. This just raises a bunch of concerns. Obviously if they kick us out on the 15th, that will be a big problem, seeing how i will be here. And we are unsure how Mide will react to this. He has a farely large deposit from us.
Eitherway, that means I will be looking for a new home when i get back and will have at best 13 days to find one. :(
So this is just a bad day. Not much i can do about it here anyhow.
Think I will put no 4 layers of sunblock and start hiking in the hills and see if i can find some of those remote beaches I saw yesterday on the long boat.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Maybe this is a sign that you should move to Denver :-)