Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Khao Sok

Yesterday I woke up in Krabi, packed my stuff and bought two tickets to Khao Sok, a National Park in southern Thailand.
Avery met me at my hotel at about 10:30, we grabbed some eggs for breakfast and jumped on our minivan to the park. Cost 350 baht per person. About 2 hour drive.
And so the great Death Race 2008 started once again. Man, the Thai people drive crazy. Everyone in the van was fearing for their lives. Its not uncommon for a motor bike to be on the side of the road driving slowly, while a slow car passes it, while our minivan (traveling about 85) passes the car that is passing the motorbike. At the same moment a large fuel tanker might be heading towards us in a game of chicken. Luckily the fuel tanker would move off the side of the road to save all our lives.
I think if I held a gun to the head of the driver and said get us there in 5 minutes or die... he would drive no different.

Luckily we made it alive. Khao Suk is a jungle with waterfalls and rainforest and rivers and lakes. Ive seen only a little so far.
Our bungalow is on the river and is very charming and clean. The shower is a waterfall.

There are families of monkeys all over the place. At first I thought they were soo cute but my mind quickly changed. As I was photographing them they started coming towards me... like 12 of them circled me and started moving in for the kill. Like children of the corn! All these small hairy people coming to kill me.
I was able to escape to the bungalow. They followed. They solidified my anger by grabbing my All is Quiet on the Western Front book and carrying it off to the trees and proceeding to rip it into shreds!!! Little bastard!
I finally was able to get them away from the bungalow with a bag of peanuts.
Avery was napping in the bungalow at the time and later awoke to one in the room, on the rafters stairing down at her.
Last night, I awoke with a large thumb sized beetle in my bug net. No surprises there!
This morning we slept a bit late (might have something to do with the thai whiskey) and I got up and got some eggs and coffee. Found a decent little internet shop (the the computer shocked me!) and plan to rent a motor bike and drive us around all day to the sights. This is of course, only if the roads here are less busy. I dont have a deathwish.
Tomorrow I think we head further north.

1 comment:

ryanwesley said...

Smuggle me back one of those monkeys! You just need a fake pregnant belly.
