Saturday, December 6, 2008


Early this morning I woke up to complete darkness... i mean I couldnt see a speck of light. It startled me and the thought that I might be blind crossed my mind! Once I realized that the electricity was probably just off on my beach I started to relax. Just as I was falling asleep again I felt something on my chest. I grabbed something crunchy about the size of my thumb and threw it. I think it made a sound. Problem with throwing it is I was sleeping in a bug net on a bed, in my bungalow.
I considered getting up and getting my phone and using that light to look for this 'bug'... but the more I thought about it, the more I thought that it probably wasnt a bug. The net did a pretty good job of keeping them out. Not to mention that I never see large bugs in the bungalow. So i tried to fall back to sleep but the thought of a large crunchy bug in my net filled my thoughts. Eventually I fell back to sleep.
I woke up a bit after sunrise and decided to start out early. My plan was to pack up my stuff, take a BADLY needed shower and climb with my bag over the hill to the main beach, then to the pier and then catch a 9am ferry to Krabi. So I jumped out of bed, climbed out the back to my toilet and shower (which is mostly exposed to the outside except for a stone wall that goes up about 4-5 feet).
Shower doesnt work... no water... I REALLY needed to wash my hair.
By the toilet was a bucket of water that is used to 'flush' your toilet. You would cup up some water and pour it in and that would help flush it out. I moved the bucket and turned on the water that would go in the bucket and started rinsing my hair. After thoroughly soaking my head i stand up and look that the water coming out of the pipe is mud red. I worry that its sewage, but upon smelling it, it wasnt. Turns out i was just emptying this pipe water. So i grab my water bottle and rinse my head and shampoo with that. Bottled water to rinse.
Pack up my stuff and manage to hit my head hard twice on the doorway. Good start to the day!
Eventually I pack up my stuff and say goodbye to my remote beach and head up the hill. This little hike gets tougher every time I do it! Course now i had a heavy backpack on.
I make it to the pier and pay 450 baht for a ferry ticket to Krabi. Jump on the ferry and enjoy a 2 hour sunny, windy, comfy ride to Krabi. The pier was not close to town so I grabbed a taxi for 200 baht into the town center.
I am definitely starting to adjust to my travels again as it feels good to be in a real city that isnt fully defined by tourism. First off I see much less farangs. Rooms are MUCH cheaper and food and markets look greatly authentic.
I checked into the City Hotel - which at first I thought looked to modern to afford. 450 baht for a nice sized room, western bathroom and shower and a fan to cool me off. Not to mention a color tv!
At this point I plan to keep exploring the city, get some food and have fun. I might even buy some things!
I should be meeting Avery tomorrow or Tuesday. She told me I need to see more then beaches while I am here and after arriving at Krabi, I agree. I think im all beached out for now (did i just say that)... or not...
I am feeling healthy and good, but about as attractive as a frog! Every day adds new bumps and spots to my body... who knows where they come from (bed bugs, mosquitoes, etc). My face tends to get pink cheeks and nose by the end of every day that makes me look sorta clownish. And I still have a fever blister. Im the elephant man!!! :)
Also, after the ferry ride my hair is sticking straight up in about all directions. I think I look a bit scary to the locals... the crazy farang!
Oh well... I keep a smile on my face and speak as much thai as I can.
Some interesting mosques and temples in this town. I think i will go explore!

UPDATE: Found the 'touristy' area of Krabi. Its actually charming. Also, I need to stop hitting my head in the doorways here... i guess I am taller then the average thai. Bought some lunch at a family owned restaurant. Was a bit hard for me to eat as it had some processed fish in it. Also there is a great street market across from my room with all sorts of fruit and things. I bought a small cup of peanuts that are cooked in their shell in a way that makes them moist and soft. I think I like them the way I am used to them better.

UPDATE 2: Really smacked my head again in my room. My head is getting sore!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like boiled peanuts.