Thursday, December 13, 2007

Madrid, Spain

My plane from Barcelona has landed, I bought a 10-pack of tickets for the Metro (train) for Madrid and have arrived near the spot where I plan to meet Miguel.

The time for paying expensive prices for hotels is over. I am staying with Emily and Miguel in Madrid. They were first recommended to me from my good friend Jen, who also introduced me to Renee in London (hi Renee) :)

They are kind enough to let me stay on their famous futon for my 4 night stay in Madrid (until Monday, at which time I fly to London to prepare for my trip back to the US). Pretty daring to let someone they don't know stay at their house for 4 days. I could be a freak! Possibly I will show up with an axe just to see what they say.

So, its 5pm and I exited the Metro station and there is a small little park with benches. Its a bit colder then I thought so I dug through my backpack to get my scarf and thought, hey what the heck, i will see if there is any free wifi here. Low and behold there is. So, i am sitting in a park right now typing away on the bench. I meet Miguel in 2 hours at a nearby cafe. I told him to look for a scraggly haired dork with a big backpack. Thats me!

Later tonight it sounds like we are going to do tapas. I bet they know all the good places.

Tomorrow, I am going to the newspaper El Pais to meet their multimedia people...excited about that. They do have a position open uhhum. :)

OK, well its getting cold and I need a drink of sangria...

adios! :)

1 comment:

wildcardmedia said...

Yes, yes...move to Spain! Just kidding...;)