Saturday, December 8, 2007

Marco! Polo! I am now in Venice!

Arrived just a we two hours ago. Was a bit of confusion finding the hotel. Apparently, they don't believe in street signs here. And the directions on the website gives you directions from the wrong terminal. But it says the one i was at. Took me a good 30 minutes of wondering around like an idiot for that one.

Anyhow, my room is much better then I expected. Its actually nice. No internet connection and i doubt i will be able to upload any new images until i get to Spain.

But I do have a handy online store next door that charges a fortune... So i might pay a ton to post my new blogs here and there.

I did get up early this morning, ate tons of the free breakfast and went to the Vatican. Didn't meet the Pope though, so disappointed about that. I requested a visitation and they didn't even respond... go figure..

Overall though, i met my main goal. I saw Michelangelo's famous sculpture Pietà... and it was awesome... I got some great photos of it.

So far Venice seems cool. I am very tired, i just drank a liter of wine and i am ready to crash!!!!! More exploring tomorrow. I am pretty sure the new shoes are working out fine...

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