Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Last sunset in Europe!

I just watched the sun set for the last time in Europe. At least for this trip.

Today I was at Renee's. I meant to get out a bit and see some last remaining sites, but instead spent the day working. Me and Renee did get out for an enjoyable dinner and a nice (chilly) walk along the Thames in the evening. Thanks again Renee for being really wonderful!

I must admit, I have a strong feeling of excitement to be going home. I am really looking forward to seeing my family and then getting situated again (in Portland or wherever I end up).

All my stuff is in a mess and at some point I will need to do some major arranging so I can fit all my stuff in the two bags I have. I really brought too much with me for this trip!

My flight leaves at 11 am. I have a 2 hour layover in Chicago and am hoping that the nasty weather that has been tearing the the Midwest will not slow my progress. Overall, it should take me about 13 hours to get to Denver.

Its been a great trip, but I am ready to go.

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