Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Rome at last!

Just as planned, i woke up at 4:30 this morning and washed my hair in the sink. Got ready and left the Hotel de Nevers for the last time. I got the trains I wanted, caught the shuttle on time and got to the airport with time to kill. At best I got two hours sleep though. I was restless.

The flight was 1.5 hours and went smooth. I could see some really nice mountains in northern Italy and took photos from the plane. We landed, I caught the shuttle that I wanted into the city centre and found my hotel. All went smooth.

The hotel is nice but the wifi there is pay-as-you-go. Its not cheap either. So right now I am in an internet cafe. I will probably log on tomorrow evening from my room for an hour and upload new images and post another blog. I am considering leaving the hotel I have booked though the desk guys arent making it easy on me. I found a cheap 2 star hotel (pretty much all i have had since I got to Europe and thats fine by me) in the area that has wireless internet for free. Would like to transfer to that. But I might stay where I am.

I did manage to walk around and see some sights tonight. I saw the Coliseum and walked around it and took photos. Saw lots of ruins in the city center. very impressive. Tomorrow I hit them hard core.

Anyhow time running out. I am safe and doing well... cough is worse but thats OK. And I still limp... just falling apart.

anothe post tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

chris, glad u made it safely. lisa wouldnt show logan all the post cards he could have gotten. he might have wanted the one that i did. have a great time. see ya soon. love ya, dad