Thursday, November 27, 2008


Arrive late last night in Phuket, Thailand.
By the time we arrived here (from Kuala Lumpur) me and Andy were dead tired. Like comatose. Ive never been so tired. Neither of us could hold conversations. It even seemed like my balance was having issues. We landed and entered the chaos of customs. Hundreds of people all waiting. Loud. We get through customs, head out the airport and its like a wall of probably 100 thais all vying for your business... aggressively so. They would walk up to you and question you and tell you that any idea you have besides hiring them is a bad idea. They wont leave you alone.
It was very overwhelming in the mental state I was in at that point. Neither of us could deal, we retreated back into the airport to breath. I went up to a bank machine to get some local currency. The US dollar is equal right now to roughly 35 Thai bahts. But when i saw the withdraw numbers they offered, such as 3000, 5000, etc. I jsut couldnt process it and canceled. We decided to head south of the main touristy area (patong beach) to Kata Beach. It was described in my thai book as a more relaxed area good for backpackers and it specifically mentioned that it had much less go-go bars then Patong Beach. We got a shuttle to Kata for 180 baht each. Andy already had some baht and so she paid for me. They stuffed us in a shuttle and i put my backpack in th back. Quickly others started shuffling in and throwing their giant bags on my poor little backbpack with my camera in it and everythign else i own. I couldnt help but worry about it back there. Once full the driver took off and started heading south... Only way to describe the traffic here is organized chaos. Its quick, lots of little honking and often involves cars appearing to play chicken at high speeds. It too was very overwhelming.
When we finally arrived at Kata beach, we quickly found a cheap hotel (550 baht total) with air and a western style toilet. Andy fell asleep adn i walked down the road a bit to a 7 Eleven (which are common allover asia), withdrew 3000 baht and bought two bottles of water.
While walking down the streets there are bars with lots of thai women that woudl all call over to me. A bit embarrassing for me at the time. I just couldnt deal with much of anything or anyone last night.
I got back to the room and crashed hard.
This morning, we got up around 6am (still adjusting to time)... was the first bit of sleep that lasted over 3 hours in 5 days. I feel pretty good considering yesterday I had a scratchy throat and was worried i was getting sick.
We walked down the road and found the beach. Amazing!
Breakfast bar for 150 baht and internet for 1 baht a minute and here i am.
We are both considering our options as both of us had intended to meet people up in northern thailand. One more night here then we head out.. somewhere. Honestly, right now i just want to relax and not think... and that is exactly what i plan to do today.
Tomorrow, i will make plans.
All my clothes (3 shirts, 2 socks, 3 boxers and jeans) are DIRTY and so i plan to get laundry done today. Also plan to buy a sim card for my phone so that i can call and text to the US (i actually can now with my current number but its expensive). I will post my number when i get it. Also need to buy shorts, running socks, and a few other items.
Ok time to go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey bro... finally sounds like you are getting to a calming state. What a mess but it sure has been interesting to read. Be glad you didn't make it to Bangkok or you would have been screwed. Looking forward to seeing pics posted. I outdid myself on deep frying a turkey again this year... yum yum. Happy Thanksgiving... I sure could use some good Thai food about now though.. Take care, Mike