Wednesday, November 26, 2008

philippines tonight - phuket tomorrow

Flying into the Philippines tonight. Sleepin in airport, fly to Phuket Thailand tomorrow morning. Then, not sure, but avoiding the riots in Bangkok altogether. WIll update later.

UPDATE: Landed in Philippines. Without having any idea what this airport would be like I am pleasantly surprised. Its very nice and has free internet stations. 1,500 more miles under my belt on this trip. 3 days and 13,000 miles done, the end is in site. Have gotten to know several of my travel mates and we are forming our own little 'camp' in the airport where we plan to sleep shortly. Doubt we will even have to go through customs. VERY VERY tired as this has sort of turned into the trip that never ends... but it has been fun and definitely making friends. Me and one of my new friends Andy (andrea) are hoping on an 8am flight to Phuket. Probably find a place to stay there for at least one night and then possibly Kho Phi Phi. Not sure as this has totally messed up my rough plans to meet avery in Chiange Mai and slowly head south. But for now im just happy to be close to Thailand. Also on a bright note, sounds like we missed by a couple hours being stranded in the Bangkok airport where supposedly 4000 passengers are 'trapped' and were stormed by thousands of bat and club weilding rioters - who took over the airport (including the control tower and check in gates). Rioters have been friendly though and have been bringing in food for travelers and are trying to find ways to get them out of airport. Course you all probably know this all better then I as I have limited access to media.
Ok sleepy time. :)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

From what I can tell, stay away from Bangkok. There was a bombing of a market. be safe and love you!