Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My first night in Bankok... oops, no i mean Hong Kong

Got up early went for a jog, said goodbye to my friend lisa and ran home, finished pakcing, took the trains to airport. POrtland to Seattle on a puddle jumper. While in Seattle I called to change my flight. First guy with United couldnt find a cheap flight, called a 2nd time and she found me a good flight coming back the 16th. So 6 more days for the trip.
So, my flight from seattle to Tokyo went smooth enough for a 10 hour flight. Met a nice guy from chicago who is also traveling thailand so i will probably meet up with him. Did take an Ambien on the flight but not sure it helped much. ONly slept on and off.
Tokyo was fun, me and friend from chicago tried some Sopporo beer and a sake. Then onto the next flight. about 6 hours into the flight pilot comes on board and says that riots near the airport have closed the airport... so we have been rerouted to Hong Kong. Which looks like an AMAZING city.
Dead tired, only slept couple spread out hours in past 30 hours. Now its 4:13 in the morning here and probably 1pm back in the states. Got my room, looks nice, now palnning to me3et a group for some quick food... but i took another ambien and can feel it already...sleepty time.
Very important for me to get gong with thailand time!
I am safe and well and have already met cool people.
take care!

UPDATE: next morning

WOW did I need some sleep. Me and my new friend Patrick are heading out to view the local sites for a bit around the hotel (which is pretty nice). Slept like a brick last night for about 5 hours. Feel pretty good now. All cleaned up and packed and ready to hike around. We have two hours before the shuttle is set to take us back to the airport. We should be arriving in Bangkok around 4pm (i think).

CNN here showed the riots from last night. Apparently someone in the Thai government ws flying into the airport and thats why the riots were centered there. Timing is bad but dont worry, the riots have consistently been non-violent and never directed towards ferangs (thai word for european/white tourists). Only problem is if it continues and I am not able to land in Bangkok for several days. I might consider a different approach if that is the case, such as a train into Laos and then Chiang Mai.

So far everyone has been very friendly. I am with a large varied group of travelers. Most are ferangs, but some are japanese or thai. There is even a friendly group of monks in their bright robes. Ive made friends with many seeing how this whole flight and ordeal took nearly 14 hours yesterday from Tokyo.

OK, i better go, Patrick is probably out waiting.
No worries on safety in Bangkok though. If any violence does esculate, i will avoid the city all together. Also i have no intentions of staying there any length of time, its just unfortunate that my flight goes through there.

I will update again asap.

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