Friday, November 28, 2008

Kho Phi Phi bound

I have decided to stay in southern Thailand.
I wanted to meet my friend in Chiange Mai area of northern Thailand, but thats probably 1000 miles from here. So 18 more days of sunny beach perfection. Not a poor choice I guess, but i was very interested in seeing northern Thailand. I think I will manage though... somehow.
News on the street here is that things could wrap up one way or another in Bangkok in the next few days. Apparently the police are now warning the protestors that they have like 48 hours to leave. Hope it doesnt get bloody.
Andy is determined to get to her orphanage (where she had planned to volunteer at for 2 weeks in northeastern thailand) and plans to take a 12 hour bus to bangkok and then hopes to get another bus to the orphanage. Hope she makes it ok. So today i travel alone for the first time.
For breakfast we went to a resort and got a breakfast buffet for 180 baht. It was decent enough. The place was full of europeans and the ones sitting next to us are from England. Nice older couple and a women they had met there. All were stranded! They said that their airlines would not accomidate them and that they could buy new tickets for $1700 to get them back to England. Also, they were all kicked out of their hotels because they are all booked full. I had thought that the riots and economy would keep these places farely empty, but i was wrong. Phuket is at capacity and now i am happy that i have the little dump that I have.
Speaking of our hotel. I had them do my laundry for me for 100 baht yesterday morning. Me and Andy soaked up sun all day and when I returned I asked if my laundry was done and the lady pointed and said it was still going. I looked at what she pointed to, it was my shirt hanging over a grill. I guess thats how they dry it here. Unfortunately I did not get my clothes until THIS MORNING... so i basicallly had nothing but my bathing suit and a dirty shirt all day. Also, looks like our hotel is a hotspot for prostitutes because they swarm in and out of that place like crazy. Its not too bad I guess for $7US each a night.
Last night me and Andy had plans to get some drinks for dinner but by the end of the day we both crashed early and didnt get up. I managed to get out and get the best thai curry i have ever had. Great dinner for 150 baht.
This morning i got up before sunrise and went for a run. Well a short run. Even at just past sunrise it was too hot for me to go too far. I did get some photos, which i hope to get some uploaded soon and i made some decisoins on my future travels.
I am going to catch a ferry today and head to the island of Kho Phi Phi (where they filmed the beach). My friend Lisa in Portland suggested I head to Long Beach afterward, i think its on another island. She described it as very remote and that sounds good to me. Eventually I will probably head further east to Krabi Beach.
Its 11am right now and i just bought my ticket to Phi Phi. 450 baht. Not too bad. I leave in 2 hours and should get there by 3pm. A shuttle picks me up at my hotel, then to the port (15 minutes), then ferry to the island (2 hours). The lady who sold me the ticket at the travel office said Phi Phi is busy right now too. So I might have to start spending more then $7US a night and raise my standards for a couple nights. Actually I am quite prepared to spend much more tonight as it will be the first room i have had alone and ... well i am just ready to for a decent place to spoil myself for a night or two.
I havent mentioned the weather yet. Yesterday was very overcast but still very warm. Today the sun is out in full force. The number of people on the beach has tripled since yesterday. I ALWAYS have water on me and constantly drink, even at night. Its very easy to get overheated.
I am excited to get to Phi Phi... and to leave Phuket. I always knew Phuket would not suite me too much. Not sure Phi Phi is the answer either but I am on the move. Honestly i think as remote as possible. Give me a hut on the beach, i dont even need electricity... though, i do like the western toilet!

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