Sunday, October 21, 2007

T-minus 10 days

It just doesn't seem real yet. I mean, I know I am leaving where I am currently at. But its almost as if my life just ends there. Its like a big dark nothingness after that point. Wow, that sounds so negative... OK, let me explain a bit more. My flight to London is in 10 days. I will be alone, in Europe for about 7 weeks. I have never been to Europe. I have no concrete plans what-so-ever for when I get there. I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea where I will be staying and I have no idea how it is all going to come together. But, I have no doubt it will be good. It will definitely be better then where I am at now. It will be better then anyplace I have been for a long time. Its calling to me with open arms... and I simply can not wait until I am deep within its embrace.

I will be honest, I am nervous and stressed. Mainly I am just trying to get everything together so that I am fully prepared for my departure. T-minus 10 days and counting...

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